Thursday, December 1, 2011


All done with the blog!

My contributions were looking up examples of news coverage related to the murders from the New York Times and other news outlets and creating the "News Coverage: NYT and Others" page.

I also did the whole (and very LONG) bibliography for our group's sources.

Good job guys! Let's own this presentation tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I researched the characters with Taylor, I also identified the ideologies in the film and in Mississippi at the time and I identified the media effects in the movie as well as made the blog!

GOOD JOB GROUP! Im ready for presentations tomorrow!!

My sources

Last Team Meeting

Media Dogs met today to finalize and review the blog as well as our presentation for tomorrow. Everyone attended. We Finished!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Group don't forget your evaluations!
Great job!!!

My Sources

My Sources

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Media Dogs met Sunday to plan what work needs to be done over the holiday.
Drew will be the primary person in charge of the Media Therories and KKK terrorism pages.
Taylor will be in charge of the conclusion as well as contribute any additional information to all the pages.
Dawn will cover the characters and the truth vs. fiction pages
Eric is taking care of the bibliography as well as adding information from New York Times articles.
Our group plans to meet again the week we return from break.