Thursday, December 1, 2011


All done with the blog!

My contributions were looking up examples of news coverage related to the murders from the New York Times and other news outlets and creating the "News Coverage: NYT and Others" page.

I also did the whole (and very LONG) bibliography for our group's sources.

Good job guys! Let's own this presentation tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I researched the characters with Taylor, I also identified the ideologies in the film and in Mississippi at the time and I identified the media effects in the movie as well as made the blog!

GOOD JOB GROUP! Im ready for presentations tomorrow!!

My sources

Last Team Meeting

Media Dogs met today to finalize and review the blog as well as our presentation for tomorrow. Everyone attended. We Finished!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. Group don't forget your evaluations!
Great job!!!

My Sources

My Sources

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Media Dogs met Sunday to plan what work needs to be done over the holiday.
Drew will be the primary person in charge of the Media Therories and KKK terrorism pages.
Taylor will be in charge of the conclusion as well as contribute any additional information to all the pages.
Dawn will cover the characters and the truth vs. fiction pages
Eric is taking care of the bibliography as well as adding information from New York Times articles.
Our group plans to meet again the week we return from break.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Group Meeting

Media dogs met yesterday during class time. We finalized the layout of our blog; as well as, who will focus on what information.
Eric is researching the New York Times.
Taylor and Dawn are in charge of primary sources.
Drew is focusing on the characters pulling information from all sources.
Our group is meeting again on Sunday at six to review the information we've found for our blog.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Blog is done!

Monday, October 31, 2011

My Contributions!

I was in charge of the "Crime and Drugs" page of our blog, as well as the bibliography. I also coded several cartoons related to the crime and drugs aspect of undocumented immigration, which will be in our hard-copy scrapbook.

Finished! Woohoo! Nicely done, Media Dogs!

What I Did!!!

For our project is was in charge of the entire scrapbook. On our blog I took care of the history page along with the job, amnesty and international cartoon pages.

What I contributed to Group Project Numero Dos

I researched both Arizona and Alabama's Immigration Laws I found factual information that backed the editorial cartoonists views on the laws. I also made the home page to the Blog and provided myths about immigration. I provided terms not to use when reporting about immigration and I also provided information about how to analyze political cartoons.

GREAT JOB GUYS! Thanks for everyone's help I think we did a lot better on this Group Project!

- Drew Vaughn

Resources for my cartoons and information


"The Denver Post"
"The Bay Press-Gazette",   

Friday, October 28, 2011

They're done!

Ok, 2011 cartoons coded and sent to Dawn.

I'm going to start working on the crime page this weekend.

Group Meetings

Media Dogs met twice this week with everyone in attendance:
Taylor Smart
Drew Vaughn
Eric Jungblut
Dawn Otterby
Wednesday we all met briefly to discuss our progress and assign a few more tasks. Drew will be responsible for completing the home page for our blog, and I(Dawn) am going to create a history page to add.

Thursday during our group meeting we finalized all the codding of our base twenty cartoons and cleared up and remaining questions. Our project should rock.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Working Diligently

My coding is pretty much done, I'm just working on finalizing my "What reality is framed about immigration/immigrants" sections because I want to continue my fact-checking and fine-tune them. I will have everything complete and sent to Dawn by tomorrow (Friday 10/27) between noon and 3:00. Sorry it is taking so long, I just want my fact-checking to be spot on.



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A very powerful video I found on Border Control vandalism

Cartoons and Coding

                                     Cartoon #1: "Alabama Immigration Law"

Publication:, 2011
Cartoonist: Monte Wolverton

1. Positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants: Postive
2. Positive or negative framing about immigration policies: Negative

What reality is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
         This cartoon is based on Alabama's immigration law (HB56) and is comparing it to Nazi Germany's Holocaust. The artist is trying to show that the racial profiling that HB56 explicitly promotes is exactly how Nazi Germany profiled Jewish families, simply from assumptions and physical features that stand out. This cartoon ironic because the SS officer (Governor of Alabama) is ordering them into the boxcar and taking them for a ride, but HB56 strictly prohibits providing any transportation to undocumented immigrants.

Cartoon #2: "Jim Crow Immigration Law"
Publication:, 2011
Cartoonist: Khalil Bendib

1. Positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants: Postive
2. Positive or negative framing about immigration policies: Negative

What reality is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
          The author of this cartoon is comparing the Jim Crow laws of the 1960's to Alabama's adopted immigration bill. In the 1960's Jim Crow Law's (Separate but Equal) were created to separate whites and blacks from public institutions. Alabama's new bill prohibits illegal aliens from applying or being admitted to secondary education (college) institutions. Although the author does make a great comparison to the Jim Crow Laws this comic is really only showing half the truth. According to HB 56, its does not specify that illegal aliens cannot attend public schools such as high school or elementary but it's the administration's duty to check the citizen status of both parents. Past Supreme Courts have ruled that a child has the right to a public education no matter their immigration status. Although majority of HB 56 is still in effect, denied access to free public education has been over ridden.

                                    Cartoon #3: Alabama Immigration Law 1
Publication:, 2011
Cartoonist: J.D. Crowe

1. Positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants: Postive
2. Positive or negative framing about immigration policies: Negative

What reality is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
           The author of this cartoon is responding to the strict punishments of aiding an undocumented alien. It is a felony in the state of Alabama to aid an undocumented alien if you know that they are undocumented. The author is making the argument that inalienable rights always take seniority over any state or federal law in the United States. The right to life for this person in the cartoon (undocumented or not) is being taken away by the state of Alabama.

                                       Cartoon #4: Alabama Immigration Law 2

Publication:, 2011
Cartoonist: J.D. Crowe

1. Positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants: Postive
2. Positive or negative framing about immigration policies: Negative

What reality is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
           The author of this cartoon is referring to Section 12 of HB56. According to Section 12, Law enforcement has the right to determine the immigration status of an individual if they are under the suspicion that they are in the country illegally. The author is framing the image that a police officer can just come up to an individual and ask them if they are legal or not. According to the law, an individual must cause an infraction in order to be questioned about their citizenship. Immigrants are required to carry visas and other legal documents in order to show their residency. Unlike Arizona's law where they just need to show a driver's license.

 Cartoon #5: Immigration Law: Alabama Brownout
Publication:, 2011
Cartoonist: J.D. Crowe

1. Positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants: Postive
2. Positive or negative framing about immigration policies: Negative

What reality is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
           In this cartoon Crowe again tries to reinforce the fact that the Alabama HB56 Law is enforced based on appearances of individuals. The author of the cartoon is framing that people with darker skin color (or people who are not pasty white) will be questioned about their citizenship starting Labor Day weekend when the bill was passed into a law.

Cartoons in 2010 based on Arizona's SB1070
Nate Beeler., 2010
Dave Granlund., 2010

Mike Keefe. "The Denver Post", 2010.

David Logan., 2010

John Branch., 2010

Khalil Bendib., 2010

Joe Heller. "The Bay Press-Gazette", 2010

Monday, October 24, 2011

My top 5 cartoons

Sorry they are up so late I was at work all night.

My Progress

Tonight I gathered my groups cartoons and matted them. They now just need to be arranged and placed in the scrapbook.
These were my top six cartoons that I collected:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Cartoons

Hey guys! Here are my five 2011 cartoons that I said I would post after the meeting:

Paresh Nath, UAE

Matt Wuerker

Gary McCoy

Pat Bagley

Gary Varvel

If I find any more I will let you know/post them here.

Have a fun Fall Break!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Media Dogs met today between 120:00-1:15. All members were in attendance.
Drew Vaughn
Taylor Smart
Eric Jungblut
Dawn Otterby
Today our team finalized our decision to create a blog, as well as to turn in a scrapbook.
Dawn will be in charge of the scrapbook; including layout, design, and codding sheets. Drew is in charge of setting up the blog and making sure it runs smoothly. Taylor volunteered to to edit all information posted on the blog. Bibliography will be taken care of by Eric. Our team will be meeting again within the next week to complete our coding sheet.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Project 2: Rough Outline

Our group at this point in time is planning on creating both a blog and a scrapbook. Some key topics we've have decided to focus on so far are:
  1. Anchor Babies: Taylor
  2. Crime Rates/Drug Wars: Eric
  3. Jobs/Taxation: Dawn
  4. Utah Compact: Dawn
  5. Alabama/Arizona Laws: Drew
  6. Border Control: Taylor

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What I Contributed Over All

I my main focus was to research what the Fox News anchors had to say about the legalization of marijuana. I found video's from Glenn Beck as well as Bill O'Reilly. I also helped research the Stephen Colbert video's and found some statistics to back him up. My final contribution was the bibliography.

We're Done!!!!!!!

Morgan, Scott. "Drug Cartels Are Terrified of Marijuana Legalization |" | Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Prohibition. 31 Mar. 2011. Web. 22 Sept. 2011. .

Los Angeles Times . "Marijuana | L.A.'s medical marijuana dispensary debate - Los Angeles Times." Featured Articles From The Los Angeles Times. N.p., 24 Sept. 2011. Web. 27 Feb. 2011. .


MarijuanaMedicine420. "Bill 'o Reilly Gets Owned on The Drug War - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . uhhhhkevin , 23 June 2010. Web. 19 Sept. 2011. . "Which drugs are in Schedule I? - Medical Marijuana -" Medical Marijuana N.p., 11 Aug. 2006. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. .

 "Glenn Beck: "Its Time To Legalize Marijuana" - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . C0ct0pusPrime , 6 Apr. 2009. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. .


"Rob Kampia of MPP on Glenn Beck 2/25/09 - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . MPPstaff , 9 Feb. 1925. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. .

"Is Smoking Pot Still a Victimless Crime? | DFAF." DFAF. N.p., 25 Sept. 2009. Web. 4 Oct. 2011. .


"Bill O'Reilly vs. Cheech & Chong - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . AndrewQuiroz24 , 7 Mar. 2010. Web. 25 Sept. 2011. .

"The Union The Business Behind Getting High Full Movie - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. AirbornxToaster, 08 Apr. 2011. Web. 26 Sept. 2011. .


Alternative Care Clinics . "Patient FAQ's - Medical Marijuana Doctors, Evaluations, Cards and Medical Marijuana information - Alternative Care Clinics - Southern California - 866-420-7215." Medical Marijuana Doctors - Evaluations - Cards and Medical Marijuana information. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Sept. 2011. .


Comedy Central . "Ethan Nadelmann - The Colbert Report - 2009-30-04 - Video Clip | Comedy Central." Colbert Nation | The Colbert Report | Comedy Central. N.p., 9 Apr. 1930. Web. 30 Sept. 2011. .


Fox News . " Joseph Califano & Bill O'Reilly On Marijuana Prohibition - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . day50912A , 20 May 2009. Web. 21 Sept. 2011. .


Males , Mike . "Pot Boiler." Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR). N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2011. .


Vesta , Solomon . "Cannabis History - The War on Marijuana 1980-1998 - YouTube ." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . hampapartiet , 3 Apr. 2009. Web. 23 Sept. 2011. .

National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XV: Teens and Parents. National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XV: Teens and Parents 15 (2010): 2-12. CASA. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. .

Martin, Michel. "In California, Marijuana Dispensaries Outnumber Starbucks : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 15 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Sept. 2011. .

"Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization, Fact 10." Welcome to the United States Department of Justice. 25 Sept. 2009. Web. 28 Sept. 2011. .

Wishnia, Steven. "Is Marijuana Addictive? | Drugs | AlterNet." Home | AlterNet. 11 Aug. 2011. Web. 04 Oct. 2011. .

Monday, October 3, 2011


My contribution to this project was providing the health information about what Fox News (Bill Oreilly with guest speaker Joseph Califano) reported and either debunking or supporting their claims by factual doctor's research. I also edited the whole video and helped the other group members compile their information into the video.

I mainly provided information that proved that Oreilly rarely uses factual information, uses out dated statistics, and sometimes partially true statements.


Drew Vaughn


Media Dogs met yesterday and all remaining members were present.
Eric Jungblut
Taylor Smart
Drew Vaughn
Dawn Otterby
We went over our documentary, and any remaining questions Drew had about our research. Eric, who was in charge of finding clips from The Colbert Report and the Daily Show, said that he found some new video's, which he wanted to research and squeeze in the documentary. Besides those few missing clips our video has turned out nicely.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Research Done and Sent

By now my group should have finished compiling the bulk of their information and sent it to Drew. After tonight any information found and submitted will just be cherries on top of our project.

I compiled all my information

I just sent my email to Drew with all of my stuff I think would work for our movie.

I spent about 2 - 2.5 more hours researching this afternoon, trying to find numbers related to marijuana crime and addiction. helped a lot for these so I highly recommend you check it out if you get a chance.

A couple more useful videos

I will do some research on these. More to come.

Some of the alternet stuff I think we can use.
(This one was mentioned by Dr. Cooper specifically, what can we do with it?)

A new website for any more researching you want to do.

Dr. Cooper gave us this website after class and it has a ton of info.

Just put marijuana into the search bar and you'll get some great articles.

I'm currently sifting through quite a few of these as they cover a multitude of angles I'm sure we could fit into our video somewhere.

Continuing my research!

Drew, I will have my research ready for you hopefully today before five. I just want to make sure I've ironed out any kinks that it may have; the last thing I want to do is give you crappy information for the video!


What I've Been Researching

Last night I spent two hours compiling my research together so its easy to understand, and sift through. I also watched a video that Drew found and suggested we all watched.

Wow, this is a late post...

But anyways, I've been researching how the Comedy Central comedians handle and/or spin the subject of marijuana and marijuana legalization. From what videos we've compiled of them that deal with this subject manner, it is painfully obvious that they approach the issue with blatant sarcasm and stereotypes towards recreational marijuana smokers. Stephen Colbert is especially biting with his satire, but he often portrays himself as a recreational drug/marijuana this showing his approval towards the idea of legalization? Check out these videos that I've recently uncovered:
: Nailed 'Em - Medical Marijuana

I feel like in this video they are trying to make the man who was fired seem like a victim. What do you think?

And I liked this from Jon Stewart, where he mentions in a skit with John Hodgeman that tax revenue from legalizing marijuana could help California deal with its budget crisis: You're Welcome: California Budget Crisis

He seems blunt about the topic in this video (despite Hodgeman's spoofy wind power idea.)

Just sharing my research!


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What I've Researched

I have focused more on Fox News' point of view and how they have been portraying marijuana legalization. I have found many clips of Billy O'Reilly as well as Glenn Beck. The majority of the framing I've found is whats being left out when they discuss statistics. I have, however, had some difficulty finding solid information from the fact checking sites you recommended. Other than that my research is going very well and i look forward to the project being complete.

Group meeting 2

All members of my group attended the meeting on Tuesday
Taylor Smart
Drew Vaughn
Eric Jungblut
Kim Bodrero
Dawn Otterby

All members had their assignments completed. We are now just finishing our research and will meet Thursday at 3:00 to compile everything that we have. Drew is the main video man and the rest of the group is in charge of the research.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sorry for the misunderstanding Dr. Cooper

Dr. Cooper I appologize for the lack of information on our blog I was under the impression that the team leader was to post each group meetings agendas and act as a liaison between you and the group members. Now fully understanding whats expected of my contributions to the group and blog I would like to update you on the information I have found.

In my group I am in charge of finding out if marijuana is truly the most addictive substance, and if marijuana is actually harmful to the body and or brain. In my findings I found an interesting study that helped support the common misguided assumption is that marijuana kills brain cells, first introduced by the Heath/Tulane Study which was conducted under the Reagan Administration. Dr. Heath reported that monkeys who were distributed 30 marijuana cigarettes a day were beginning to die and show brain failure after just 3 months, thus concluding and publicizing to the public that marijuana kills brain cells. After years of requests that the study data and procedures be released, the Health/Tulane Study was finally publicized. Instead of Dr. Heath administering 30 marijuana cigarettes through out the day for 1 year, Heath strapped gas masks on to the monkeys and administered 63 marijuana cigarettes in 5 minutes without the ventilation of smoke for 90 days. While most people would argue that the THC levels killed the monkeys it was in fact suffocation due to lack of oxygen while being pumped with smoke that killed the monkeys explaining the dead brain cells and death.


1. The Union: The Business Behind Getting High.  Dir. Brett Harvey. BKS Crew Productions, 2007. Film.

The Union, The Business Behind Getting High

Lots of good information and interesting facts about the use and effects of marijuana.

- Drew 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hey, Media Dogs! (or Cats...)

Just a list of the videos we have so far for quick reference:

(I figured out how to link the URLs! I feel so accomplished...)

Feel free to add any other ones that you may have discovered!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dr. Cooper,

On Tue. Sept. 20, my group and I discussed the gateway, taxation, how marijuana effects motor skills, the brain and mental effects and overall health benefits, and crime rate. I chose to look up articles on crime rate. Over the weekend, I looked up how smoking marijuana effects crime rates on the O'Reilly Factor, the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report, but actually found nothing about this specific topic. I looked up most of the Fact Checks that you had listed in the project instructions and found a report and watched it. It was about how a particular marijuana dispensary was having trouble paying their employees. I also found info on how the immigrants were bringing marijuana into the U.S., but there was not much info specifically about marijuana. Today, Sept. 22, I found a report by the Associated Press that discussed how medical marijuana dispensaries closed last year in LA and they noticed how the crime went up in the surrounding neighborhoods of the dispensaries. I also read an article about how Senator Martin from Georgia was the only house member who voted against a bill in March 1990 about how it should be a felony to distribute or manufacture drugs within 1,000 feet of a school. I also looked up the Annenburg Factcheck and found a list of offenders who got a DUI from different things, some of them including having possession of marijuana. If I gave you too much info which you weren't necessarily looking for, please let me know in an email. Last year when I was in the class, I never posted to the blog because I thought the group leader was only supposed to post one blog during each team meeting, so I'm new to this (just like anybody else, I guess!). Thanks.

A couple things I found Researching

My URL thus far!
Fact check jazz

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Group Meeting 1

Members who attended:
Drew Vaughn
Kim Bodrero
Eric Jungblut
Taylor Smart
Dawn Otterby

Our team decided to make a documentary on the legalization of marijuana. Each group member was assigned a topic to research.