Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dr. Cooper,

On Tue. Sept. 20, my group and I discussed the gateway, taxation, how marijuana effects motor skills, the brain and mental effects and overall health benefits, and crime rate. I chose to look up articles on crime rate. Over the weekend, I looked up how smoking marijuana effects crime rates on the O'Reilly Factor, the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report, but actually found nothing about this specific topic. I looked up most of the Fact Checks that you had listed in the project instructions and found a report and watched it. It was about how a particular marijuana dispensary was having trouble paying their employees. I also found info on how the immigrants were bringing marijuana into the U.S., but there was not much info specifically about marijuana. Today, Sept. 22, I found a report by the Associated Press that discussed how medical marijuana dispensaries closed last year in LA and they noticed how the crime went up in the surrounding neighborhoods of the dispensaries. I also read an article about how Senator Martin from Georgia was the only house member who voted against a bill in March 1990 about how it should be a felony to distribute or manufacture drugs within 1,000 feet of a school. I also looked up the Annenburg Factcheck and found a list of offenders who got a DUI from different things, some of them including having possession of marijuana. If I gave you too much info which you weren't necessarily looking for, please let me know in an email. Last year when I was in the class, I never posted to the blog because I thought the group leader was only supposed to post one blog during each team meeting, so I'm new to this (just like anybody else, I guess!). Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Colbert, Stewart & Fox have all covered the issue of legalization of marijuana. You need to keep searching.
    Dr. Cooper
